A loud croak for welcome! It’s a pleasure to have you here, at Cherry Frog’s pond!
I am Nora, a lawyer living a hectic urban life, mom of two girls, chocolate lover, crochet addict and color enthusiast, juggling my time between office, house, kids and crochet hooks!
Crocheting has become a part of my life during the evenings of 2010, shortly before sleep, in an attempt to relax my mind from my crazy days and… it worked! And here I am, seven years later, having the same minimum free time as in the beginning, but without being a minute bored by yarn (contrary to legal work).
Cherry Frog is my dream of a paradise, a laid back pond, where friends gather to laugh, share, create, walk barefoot, read books under summer grapevines and eat spaghetti Bolognese with cool white wine, where children play daylong and where music is all around, coupled with silence when desired~ Cherry Frog is smiling, Cherry Frog is green and red (and purple and yellow and blue and… and…)
It would make me happy if you feel nice here and visit often; and even more happy if you drop a line to say hi ~ frogs are sociable creatures after all 😉