Easter break part 2 (the mountains)
Easter holidays have gone fast and I’ve just found a tiny tad of time to sit down and share with you the second part of Frog’s family break; Remember? The mountains! As already said before hereĀ , Mr. BeardMan owns an old family house located at a mountain village in the northern part of the country. Built in 1786 and kept alive and standing despite wars and fires and time, it’s a beloved place for all of us. There is where we spent the part 2 of our Easter break.
The house has been restored over the years, but carefully kept its old charm and character, leading many friends who visit us to say that it resembles a museum rather than a house.
And of course, old charm and character go hand in hand with lack of modern amenities as you may imagine! Bathroom is located outside the main building, the kitchen has remained intact since God knows how many decades and central heating is an unknown word.
But the ceilings are made of luscious wood painted by pyrography by my mother in law and pieces of the frescos that the house used to have before being heavinly burnt during the World War II are carefully framed and hang from the walls.
So, the holidays at our mountain village have passed quietly. The weather was surprisingly cold for this time of year and stoves were burning all around. We had to pack our winter clothes, after the summery break by the sea. The Little Misses of the pond love this place so much that weather is rarely a nuissance for them. The only thing that they have in mind is get dressed and go out to meet their friends. Oh, and make their hair too naturally!
I, on the other hand, was in no big mood for socialising, so I mainly stayed at home, no, not IN the house, but on the terrace which has a splendid view of Mount Olympus. Armed with heavy jackets, wool shawls and hot coffee, I spent most of my mornings and afternoons there, reading, thinking and crocheting.
Despite the cold weather, the mornings were bright and crisp and the skies as blue as they should. Inbetween reading and crocheting, I also found time to take some walks around the village and the woods that surround it.
And one day I played the driver role in the film “Mr.BeardMan goes hiking once again”, by waking up early to drive him and two friends to the start of their path (almost at sea level) and then again pick them up late in the afternoon from up on the mountain. See the red spot down left at the picture below? That’s Mr. BeardMan himself, walking the last meters of his 12 hours hiking!
The view from this spot high up on the mountain was fantastic, one could feel the clouds close to one’s nose- beatiful, but a bit freaking also, for people like me who are more of a sea type than a mountain lover.
I loved the door which leads to the mountain shelter, all made from colourful ski boards. Colour never seizes to amaze me, in whatever form or location I see it. Lovely.
And as you may easily understand, for Cherry Frog itself, the most satisfying part of the break was crocheting. Be it the blanket planning, done with a view, as you may see…
…or the “Blue inside” shawl that was finished there, up on our beloved mountain village..
… crafting with my hands amidst a beautiful landscape, with no work deadlines or phone calls or to-do lists, with my coffee next to me and my beloved ones having a good time somewhere near, will always be one of the utmost pleasures in life
Thanks for reading my everyday tits and bits and hope you have a wonderful spring (or autumn) wherever you are
Froggy kisses from the pond