Spring again
Hello lovelies!
see? I am here again only a few days since my last post! That’s a surprise for myself as well, but let’s hope that I’ll keep up on such surprises, preferably on Fridays… Friday is a nice day, one breath before weekend, and weekend means staying home, cooking, catching up on crochet, taking photographs and driving the Little Ladies around to friends and parties.
Last Monday was a public holiday in Greece, so we grasped the chance of escaping from the big city and together with Mr. BeardMan we left the Little Ladies with my mum (good for all, as the girls prefer staying at home and meeting with friends and my mum loves having them around) and we drove all the way down to the southest end of the Peloponnese, hoping that spring would be already there. And it was indeed. Olive trees and flowerbeds everywhere, yellow and purple at their full majesty, clear skies, light breeze, no need for heavy jackets, serious need for sunglasses.

We spent two days driving around every single road, big, small, by the sea, next to the mountains, through villages, castles, sea promenades, archaeological sites, stopped for pictures, for coffee, for walking around, for admiring the view; we mostly drove.

I am a famous good weather lover. What I can only do best during winter is just be patient. For winter to go away. So, when spring hits in and nature is reborn and the promise of hot summer days is getting closer, I start taking deep breaths of relief, excitement and gratitude, in equal parts. Especially when I’m in front of the deep blue sea and even if it’s still icy cold. So, you can imagine how I felt when my eyes rested on this sea…

Most of the hotels and rooms at the region weren’t yet open for the holiday season, as it’s not yet holiday season (apparently!), but we managed to book a room in a very beautiful small villa, part of a bunch of villas to rent; It’s not many years since touristic property owners in Greece have grasped the need for offering high value and aesthetics places and I was more than happy to find such a place for us to stay. Kotroni Villas was just outside the village of Finikounda, with a stunning view to the Ionian Sea, wonderful rooms and one of the best breakfasts I’ve ever had, with local products, served beautifully in the room. In the breakfast tray picture that I’ve taken, you might notice that two bowls are already empty-sorry couldn’t hold myself!

We stayed for two nights in the room hat you see in the picture above and I’ve managed to steal some time before the driving adventures every day, to crochet a bit the new unicorn or popsicle or call-it-as-you-like shawl. It was a dream to sit outside, look at the sea and add a few stitches.
I’m impatient now to finish the plain body of the shawl and move to the biiiig lace border- I’ll use the neon yellow-green yarn for it and Little Lady 2 has already stated that this shawl will be hers! I’ve offered a borrow-option in return 🙂

It was on Sunday morning, at breakfast time, with my hook in one hand and my phone in the other, that I’ve checked my emails, only to find that the lovely girls from KnitKrate have offered to send me one of their crates to try and review. Oh, I was so happy! Once I get it, I will rush to tell you all about it!
The trip didn’t just have morning light delight and afternoon light laziness, but stunning sunsets as well. I’ve picked only a few of the numerous pictures I’ve taken; the area was painted orange and red and purple and while purple is not visible, you have to believe me, it was there.

The rest of the week has passed by with loads of work at the office and long working hours and cold weather and rain and no crochet at all 🙁 , so nothing really worth talking about. One dark and dull afternoon, I’ve tried to sketch a colour sequence that a future crochet blanket might have, to remind me of the spring delight that I’ve had the luck to enjoy few days before. My drawing skills are non existent, but the colours are there- green grass, yellow and pink and purple wildflowers, silver olive trees, blue sea, light blue sky, orange yellow sun. Let’s see, will I ever start crocheting it? It will be my Spring Love Blanket <3

That’s all lovelies. Just one tad before the weekend, I’ll keep the taste of last days alive, go through the pictures again and again and keep on begging the weather to change. Oh, and crochet too.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead,
Kisses and hugs from Cherry Frog’s pond,